Monday, March 03, 2008

Why Rumbear? Why...

Several of you out THERE have asked, albeit inquired, as to my comments re: heroes...William F. Buckley?! I started to put together a compendium of sorts to illustrate the attachment, as it were, to this great mind in a man. Then I came upon this article by Ann Coulter. She recalls Buckley in his heyday. Pushing hard against the liberal elite. Here's a snippet on Joe Lieberman, yeah that Democratic guy I cheer for, more often than not...

With liberal Republicans still bothering everyone even after Reagan, Buckley went all out against liberal Republican Sen. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. When Democrat Joe Lieberman challenged Weicker for the Senate in 1988, National Review ran an article subtly titled: "Does Lowell Weicker Make You Sick?"
Buckley started a political action committee to support Lieberman, explaining, "We want to pass the word that it's OK to vote for the other guy or stay at home." The good thing about Lieberman, Buckley said, was that he "doesn't have the tendency of appalling you every time he opens his mouth." (Emphasis, as they say, added.)

Once again, Ms. Coulter comes through with a salient article on the point of the moment. Read the entire thing and then ask yourself,...

Why not?

Oh, and welcome to the club.

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