Sunday, January 13, 2008

Go Patriots....

Caught flat out cheating in game three of the season the New England Patriots, paid the fines that were levied and moved on. “Getting caught was an eye opener. We knew right then that we would have to improve our tactics.” said one wag. Indeed, they did not want to get caught again, so they improved. Squelching any further accusations of lying, cheating or filming things they shouldn’t, the Patriots have, not surprisingly, gone un-defeated. They improved their post game press conferences. Players and coaches refuse to answer any questions posed at them by the press that involve the words lying, cheating, thieves whores or reprobates. The NFL continues to downplay the fact that at least the first three games of the season are more than a little shall we say, “tainted”. When questioned recently one fellow simply replied, How about the new referee uniforms?

With all this behind them, they will without a doubt go down in sports history as one of the great teams in sports. Right up their with the efforts of the 1919 Chicago White Sox, Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Rosie Ruiz, Ben Johnson, & Tanya Harding. Sports icons all.

Oh great, the Chargers get to play them next!

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