Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Representative Democracy?

Now, as Dennis Miller is fond of saying, "I don't want to go off on a rant here...." but the Rumbear is not happy.

As a student of the Science of Politics, something is bugging the olde bear about what happened in the Senate yesterday with this fraud of an Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill. Let's just step back a moment and recall the founding of the know all that "For the People by the People..." gobbledygook and reflect on yesterday. Right now, here, in the year of our lord 2007, we have a country that is pretty much split down the middle on most issues. Just look at the polls on any topic and we have the populace comes down 51-49% on the various issue of the day. As a result, we have a polarized Congress with each side battling tooth and nail to show theirs is the chosen position. Set aside your position for a moment and reflect upon that. Certainly you will concur that the situation has thrown the debate on such issues into the "heated" category. Fair comment, no matter your view, right? I thought you would agree.

Now overlay this brief moment of reflection with the information regarding this damn Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill...reportedly, the polls show that upwards of 80-84% are of us are against it, period. No one who supports the bill is challenging this fact. John "F_ _ _ You" McCain and Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy simply question YOUR ability to understand the bill. So, faced with a vast majority of the voters being against a bill that they say we do not understand, what do they do...explain it?...NO! They are presently, right now as you read this orchestrating a grand scheme to pass this sucker without a second look. Screw YOU America.

That's right, a guy that can't drive a car without crashing has joined up with a guy who can't fly a plane without crashing and together THEY know better than 84% of the voters what is good for us and will boldly lead us on the proper course...

......and that my friends, ain't right...... not in America.

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