Monday, March 12, 2007

GlowBall Warming Redux

Well, well, well. Seems the latest edition of the UN shock and awe report on GlowBall Warming (We're All Gonna Die!) is due out and the MSM is running amok once again. I came across this article "Global Warming is Not a Crisis" over at, uh, hmmm, ABC news. This snippet was of note:

Herein lies the moral danger behind global warming hysteria. Each day, 20,000 people in the world die of waterborne diseases. Half a billion people go hungry. A child is orphaned by AIDS every seven seconds. This does not have to happen. We allow it while fretting about "saving the planet." What is wrong with us that we downplay this human misery before our eyes and focus on events that will probably not happen even a hundred years hence? We know that the greatest cause of environmental degradation is poverty; on this, we can and must act.

The global warming "crisis" is misguided. In hubristically seeking to "control" climate, we foolishly abandon age-old adaptations to inexorable change. There is no way we can predictably manage this most complex of coupled, nonlinear chaotic systems.

Recall however, that the liberal left solved hunger/poverty/disease back in the 80's with concerts ...... Farm Aid, World Aid, Save Our Planet...uh aide..etc, etc, etc. Bono is solving the aids problem single handedly. so today, a cause is needed. First it was Global Cooling, then Acid Rain, then the Ozone. None of them had any staying power. Yet, much like the Mayan priests of old sacrifice, is needed and now GlowBall Warming fits the bill. We MUST sacrifice for our "...wicked fossil-fuel-driven ways..." or perish. Enter the Goracle.......boob bait for the bubbas, indeed.

Unfortunately for the Goracle, the opposition is ramping up. Over the weekend we had the release of "The Great Global Warming Swindle" on UK channel 4. Watch for the true believers to begin attacking the producers real soon.

Today we learn that the European Union ( The EU...Putting the PEON back in European!) wants to restrict the speed limit on the Autobahn because of ....GlowBall Warming. The bureaucratic bandwagon is coming folks....this IS big business.
Finally, perusing NRO this item caught my attention... A North Pole expedition meant to bring attention to global warming was called off after one of the explorers got frostbite. You can't make this stuff up people, hell, you don't have too.

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