Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day.....

Sensitive bear that I be, I was plodding off to the local florista when I came across this.....

The Valentine's Day bouquet — the gift that every woman in Britain will be waiting for next week — has become the latest bête noire among environmental campaigners.

Latest Government figures show that the flowers that make up the average bunch have flown 33,800 miles to reach Britain.
In the past three years, the amount of flowers imported from the Netherlands has fallen by 47 per cent to 94,000 tons, while those from Africa have risen 39 per cent to 17,000 tons.

Environmentalists warned that "flower miles" could have serious implications on climate change in terms of carbon dioxide emissions from aeroplanes.

Yikes! What's a sensitive bear type guy suppose to do? Hope for the day when GlowBall Warming has spread enough that we can grow flowers year round? Spend big bucks and destroy the planet for a few petals to show my endearing love or fore go the blossoms and buy my baby some carbon credits? Yeah right, carbon credits.....give me those 12 long stems and throw in the high priced babies breath from a land faraway. See how far YOU get with carbon credits. Wonder what AlGore got for Tipper?

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