Monday, February 19, 2007

Hey, Hey...

Caught a few snippets of the Fox Show "The Half-Hour News Hour". Half baked for the most part.... but then so was/is Air America and it had a following. Be that as it may, there was one skit with a guy who could connect GlowBall Warming with any topic in six steps. Pretty funny. Today, I saw this over at National Review Online and it brought back the skit.

It seems clear to me that global warming is being caused by Daylight Savings Time. Think about it—an extra hour of the hot sun every day??? Did we have global warming before the advent of DST? This seems so obvious tome that I am surprised that it is not being talked about.

I'm thinking if we could get a consensus on this we have a chance of it becoming proven SCIENCE! Maybe we could call those "9 out of 10 Dentists" who always seemed to have opinion. Haven't heard from them in a while.....

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