Obama-rama Ding Dong
What drove Hillary! to announce her candidacy this early? She had been happily rolling along as the “anointed one” of the Democratic Party. A late year announcement was in the cards making her a shoein in 08. What happened? As Dick Morris is fond of saying......follow the money……Ari Emmanual, Ariana Huffington, George Soros, George Clooney have all come out in support of Barack Obama. Big Demo money is disappearing. You can almost here the vacuum cleaner sucking sound on their banks accounts. That leaves little for Hillary!, as long as she stays on the sidelines. She had to throw her hat in or miss the gravy train. Once that train leaves the station it’s hard to catch up.
This may be the Democratic hustlers way of flushing Hillary! out, one way or another. My prediction is that the Obama rocket fizzles out and Hillary! strides in. In any event it will be fun to watch this situation shake out over the next year.
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