Curiouser and Curiouser
Earlier in the week we here at the Chronicles posted about the company in Wisconsin named Discount-Mats that had received an inquiry from a Sergeant serving in Iraq. The Sarge wanted some sleeping mats for his troops and inquired about shipping to an APO address. The response was no AND "even if we did, we would NEVER ship to Iraq. If you were sensible, you and your troops would pull out of Iraq."" Well, when I read that I assumed that it was a disgruntled liberal toiling away in the hinterlands of Wisconsin where the company is based. As Johnny Carson would say YOU are wrong mattress breath!
Research into the owners of the domain name and the website has divulged a plethora of interesting information. Seems the business is operated by a Muslim of Pakistani origin operating the business out of the basement of his parent’s home. Heidi at Euphoric Reality has delved deep in to this and has a lot of info. Really, go read the whole story….I doubt you will hear about it in the MSM …..until CAIR gets involved.
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