Wednesday, November 29, 2006

If We Could Not Laugh......

We Would all Go Insane! Jimmy Buffet

The Gubberment discriminates against blind people by printing money that looks and feels the same, a federal judge ruled Tuesday... Actually, it was District Judge James Robertson, a Clinton appointee. There is probably a Carter appointee out there lamenting the fact that he did not get to issue the ruling.

Then we have the "Six Imams" removed from a plane in Phoenix after performing evening prayers together in the waiting area, requesting seat extensions (though not obese and then, not using them) and sitting in unassigned seats near each exit (two by two). No worries mate, nothing wrong here, move along infidel. Well, it seems they were offended. Having filed a complaint with the Gubberment Office of Muslim Unpleasantries, they are urging all Muslims to boycott US Air for their unfair and discriminatory treatment! Maybe it's just me, but I get a sense US Air just became the safest airline in the country. Sign me up!

As Hunter Thompson used to say "It still isn't weird enough for me!"

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