Wait! I Thought We Were Told This Was a Bad Idea.....
I was under the impression, mainly from the cacophony of deriding comments from the nattering naybobs of negativity that "know better" that the suggestions of placing armed teachers in a school was lunacy. Recall how Wayne LaPiere, the NRA spokesman, was ridculed, derided, browbeaten and well, otherwise pooh poohed on the subject?
Well, the time, they are a changing. In Michigan a local Chief has decided to actually do something that may protect the wimmens & chillerns.
But in one rural Michigan township, the police chief has come up with a thoughtful, serious plan to do just that.
During his 33-year-career in law enforcement, Victor Pierce has seen
the bodies of murdered children, and he’s struggled to reckon with it.
After Sandy Hook, he felt compelled to do something, he says. So he
decided to invite teachers and school administrators to participate in
the reserve-officer-training program. After they’d completed the class,
Pierce would swear them in as volunteer reserve officers, and if the
school district gave its blessing, they could carry concealed weapons on
Well I'll be......
Your Morning Smile
46 minutes ago