A man from Teeside dies after drinking vodka. Duh.
"Some see a glass as half full, some see it as half empty, I just want to know who’s drinking my rum." Est. 2006
Same Old Whore in a New Dress?
Is Gloria Allred a dust covered, cobweb infested, liberal, political whoremonger trying to help Jerry Brown? Just asking.
The camera loving media whore has surfaced once again to inject herself in to California politics. Recall she tried this stunt last time with a press conference slamming Arnold Swartzengrubber with allegations of her then client Rhonda Miller. FYI...that case was dismissed on a summary judgment motion.) So for this go round she has an ex housekeeper for Meg Whitman who was fired when NutMeg realized she was in the country illegally. The fact that NutMeg used a employment agency seems to matter not. Similarly that the illegal alien was paid $23.00 per hour matters not a wit. The fake identification, a California drivers license and a Social Security Card are here. It is probably just a coincidence that Allred surfaces after a dismal performance by Moonbeam Brown in the Gubbernatorial debate the night before. Pure coincidence. Here is a great interview with Hugh Hewitt wherein Allred get's her clock cleaned. Go listen.
So we now have scandal in the California election. Wow. How to react? I recall the moral outrage when we found that tax cheating Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy "Turbo Tax" Giethner had an illegal alien housekeeper whom he did not pay any Social Security or Medicare taxes on for years. wait, there was no outrage. Simple mistake we were told. No problemo.
Yet Allred marches on, foisting her purported tale of woe upon the unsuspecting electorate. She is joined in her task by an unlikely source. Two south-land whack job talk show hosts, John & Ken. They love to be called "Radio Shock Jocks". Meh. John & Ken have a bone to pick with NutMeg. While they profess no love for Moonbeam, they are relentless in their attacks on Meg. Despite disclaimers, their efforts merely aide the struggling Moonbeam in his attempt to again govern this state in his dotage. The future of the state be damned, John & Ken need ratings. Welcome to California.
The whole affair illustrates perfectly the troubles of California. What's in it for me? Publicity starved media whores all seeking to exploit any situation to benefit .....themselves. The state will apparently be better for it. Really?
And so now as they trudge to the electoral guillotine, Democrats shed their skin and their code is exposed.
They really don’t like us.
They think we are fools. They view our religion as superstition. They label our skepticism as ignorance and our patriotism as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and fattening.
Nothing is worse to a liberal than fat.
The liberal contempt for America is shining through.
At least JIMMAH! had the sense to call it "Malaise".