Saturday, December 29, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007

The man has been scoring points in the past week. Fundraising, key endorsements and moving up in the polls. Check out "He's Finally Freddy for Prime Time" for details. Certainly you saw his "I'm not doing any hand shows toady" moment at the debate. Some think this will be his "I'm paying for this microphone moment of the campaign. We will see. Nevertheless a powerful statement when the rest of the lemmings who would be President were subjugated by a schoolmarm turned debate moderator. How do you expect them to stand up to the leaders of Korea and Iran when a they can't say "not today" to an uppity moderator. Here's a quick "No Hats" video that plays on that moment.
Friday, December 21, 2007 work till Monday!!!
Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
Maybe not so much on Monday either because it's Christmas Eve!! That's right I'm talking FOUR day weekend with presents!!!! Working on the Jeep, a little backyard work and the season of hope comes to a crescendo!!!! All the best to you from us hear at the Rumbear Chronicles......Let the Holidaze begin!
Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
"Get your island fix on the Internet with KPOA!"
Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Marlboro or Virginia Slims?

UPDATE: Denny get's it.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nevertheless, a hearty Ho, Ho, Ho would seem to be in order!!
Monday, December 17, 2007

But after 12 exhausting days of trying to reach a worldwide agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it was suddenly all too much for Yvo de Boer.
As the 200-nation Bali conference wrangled over a minor procedural matter, the Dutch diplomat in charge of the talks burst into tears and had to be led away by colleagues.
Then he got on his jet and flew his Dutch rear end home and lived happily ever after.
Hard man, indeed........

What do reindeer say before they tell a joke? This will sleigh you.
Ah! Christmas! The one day of the year we can all say our children are truly gifted!
Where does Frosty the Snowman keep his money? In a snow bank.
James Fenimore Cooper wrote about the life of Santa Claus. It is titled The Deer Sleigher.
How come you never hear anything about the tenth reindeer, Olive? Yeah, you know... Olive, the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names...
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Every December for the past 15 years, Morrill Worcester, owner of one of the world's largest holiday wreath companies, has taken time in the midst of his busiest season to haul a truckload of wreaths to
On Thursday he looked at the crowd of volunteers — five times as many as last year's — and said, "I didn't realize there were this many people that felt like I do."
The signs on the side of the semi read “We make it our business to Never Forget.”Never forget. Words to live by.

My name is Bill and I'm here to help.....
As my olde pal Hunter Thompson once said "It still isn't weird enough for me". Well, Hunter's gone and we have the Hillary campaign pulling out all the stops......Huckabee has hired Ed Rollins who states at his first press appearance, that the Huckabee job is "the only campaign I've been in with no doughnuts and no booze."
........stick around kids, things are heating up!
Friday, December 14, 2007 work till Monday!!!
Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
Christmas shopping almost done. Little backyard work to do.......Let the weekend begin!
Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
"Get your island fix on the Internet with KPOA!"
Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Each December we here at the Chronicles like to reflect on the year and peruse the books that have been read. More often than not it seems that the olde Rumbear selects a topic and dives in. Two years ago it was Teddy Roosevelt (6 books in 7 weeks). Last year a Bush Pilot reading extravaganza. This year WWII in the Pacific was a topic of note. For a number of years Douglas Mac Arthur was a God. Fascinating stuff. Then we got back to basics with what else...flying.. But, I digress. So here's my list for 2007. Recommendations are marked with a "**"
What have you read?
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters By: Meg Meeker
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming By Christopher Horner
Nine Lives of An Alaska Bush Pilot By Ken Eichner
The California Lemon Law: When Your New Vehicle Goes Sour
American Caeser: General Douglas MacArthur By William Manchester
William “Bull” Halsey By E. B. Potter
The Barbarian Way: Unleash the Untamed Faith By Erwin McManus
State of Fear By Michael Crichton
The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill By William Manchester
Nimitz and His Admirals By Edwin Hoyt
Lone Survivor By Marcus Luttrell**
Advanced Pilots Flight Manual By William Kershner
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows By Mrs. Potter
The Forgotten Man: A History of the Great Depression By Amity Shales
Flying Carpet By Gregory Brown
The Savvy Flight Instructor By Gregory Brown
Riding Rockets By Mike Mullane
First Man ;The Life of Neil Armstrong By James Hansen**
4 Hour Work Week By Timothy Ferris
The Air Force Academy Candidate Book By William Smallwood
Best Short Hike’s in the South Sierra’s By Karen Whitehill
Climbing Mt. Whitney in One Day By Sharon Baker
Rickles Book By (Who did ya think ya Hockey Puck!) Don Rickles

Why is the U.S. giving this crap some ill-deserved credence by even being there?
It’s like attending a study on curbing the evils of witchcraft when science proves that there’s no such thing in the first place.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So much for consensus!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
- Main Entry:
- hyp·o·crite
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
- Function:
- noun
- Etymology:
- Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
- Date:
- 13th century
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
— hypocrite adjective
Friday, December 07, 2007 work till Monday!!!
Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
More liquid sunshine has come to town, the Pointers are in the Division IV playoffs today, Red Wings at 4:30 pm. Let the weekend begin!
Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
"Get your island fix on the Internet with KPOA!"
Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

One particular Christmas season a long time ago, Santa was getting ready for his annual trip but there were problems everywhere. Four of his elves got sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones so Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind schedule. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her Mom was coming to visit; this stressed Santa even more.
Thus began the tradition of the little angel on top of the tree.

Several e-mails from our, uh um, more "progressive" readers, (their term, read: liberals) have been inquiring (incessantly) as to the Rumbear's take on the National Intelligence Estimates (NIE) finding that Iran halted it's nuclear program in 2003. A little attempt to parry with the olde bear on some political thought.
Nice try.
See, I stumble over this FACT that the current finding contradicts the NIE findings of 2005. Thus, I am compelled to ask WHY are they right now? Isn't this one of the same groups that said Saddam had "weapons o mass destruction"? Hmmmmmm? Now, we believe them? Why?
I'm just asking.......

I want to focus upon the red blocks at the top. Unfortunately, they are not just blocks - they represent millions of families, farmers, drivers and workers who will pay higher heating bills, suffer more pain at the pump, and lose more jobs because of this bill.
The bill’s sponsors themselves admit this bill will cost our families and workers hundreds of billions of dollars. Where will that money go?
It will flow out of the pockets of our families, farmers, drivers and workers at the top here in red, through those pass thru entities in orange, thru EPA and the new Climate Change Credit Corporation in black and out to all of these new government programs and causes here in blue and purple.
Pray for us.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The latest in a long line of Chinese mega donors to a Clinton, i.e. not just Hillary, campaign has been indicted. Norman Hsu the millionaire donation "bundler" has been charged in a 15 count indictment. Think Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie, Johnny Chung, Buddhist Monks for AlGore........
etc, etc, etc............
Monday, December 03, 2007

European election monitors said Monday that Russia's parliamentary ballot was unfair, hours after President Vladimir Putin's party swept 70 percent of the seats in the new legislature.
The victory paves the way for Putin to remain Russia's de facto leader even after he leaves office next spring. On Monday, Putin described the weekend's election as a vote of confidence in him.

Friday, November 30, 2007

I seem to see a lot more than most
Write 'em down, pass 'em around
It's the gospel from the coast
Reflections not just replays
Takin' time to escape the maze ......
"Floridays" by JB.

Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
Some liquid sunshine has come to town and the weekend planned festivities are up in the air. Lemons to lemonaide....may be an opportunity to get out and work on the Instrument Rating in some hard IFR! Have a great weekend!!
Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

You pilot's out there are gonna hate us. Why? Because anybody can fly a helicoptor, right?
I got to 577....

UPDATE: Seems the olde Brig General was named recently in a press release as a"Co Chair" of Hillary's "Veterans and Military Retirees for Hillary Committee", but, of course, nobody at CNN knew......of course. Sure. Right.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Swimmer is gonna write a book. Yup, Ted "the Swimmer” Kennedy has signed a book deal with, no pun intended, Hachette Book Group USA, to pen his memoirs. You betcha!! I can’t wait to read about the late night swim with Mary Jo, the tryst with that waitress and Chris Dodd and let us not forget that famous photo of the rotund Ted “in flagrant delicto” on his boat off the coast with ?????. You remember.....that’s the photo that caused one senator to quip… “It would appear that Senator Kennedy has dropped his opposition to offshore drilling”.

Long and soft. Picked up a few and played with them over the Holiday. I recall when I waxed philosophically on the subject here.
Monday, November 26, 2007

Here's the latest:
We are set on a course of 'planet saving' madness
The scare over global warming, and our politicians' response to it, is becoming ever more bizarre. On the one hand we have the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change coming up with yet another of its notoriously politicised reports, hyping up the scare by claiming that world surface temperatures have been higher in 11 of the past 12 years (1995-2006) than ever previously recorded.
This carefully ignores the latest US satellite figures showing temperatures having fallen since 1998, declining in 2007 to a 1983 level - not to mention the newly revised figures for US surface temperatures showing that the 1930s had four of the 10 warmest years of the past century, with the hottest year of all being not 1998, as was previously claimed, but 1934.