Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Beautiful service yesterday.  Family, friends, military honors. I believe the Chaplain said.."Honor is not given in the Navy. It is earned." A fitting tribute for Lex. 

I have read several takes on the event. Gorgeous sunny blue sky with a brisk wind blowing off the ocean and hugging the contours of Point Loma. Standing room only at the main entrance to Fort Rosecrans. First time I had seen this location utilized as such. Fitting.  Chaplain remarks, shots fired in tribute, presentation of a flag to Mary & a flyover by an FA-18 with a Kfir tucked in port side, tight.

My heart aches for the family. My condolences to them. Having lost my father at the age of 19, I know that life will go on, in time the pain will ease, yet, the memories....ahh, those memories, they will last forever.

Farewell Lex. Soft and safe to thee.....

Local Channel 10 has an article and video here